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September 8, 2024 - The Reason the Lord Raises the Watchmen (Isaiah 62:6-9)

Writer's picture: Immanuel DallasImmanuel Dallas

Updated: Sep 19, 2024

The Reason the Lord Raises the Watchmen (1) (Isaiah 62:6-9)

Rev. Myung-Sin Choi

6 I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; They shall never hold their peace day or night. You who make mention of the Lord, do not keep silent, 7 And give Him no rest till He establishes And till He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth. 8 The Lord has sworn by His right hand And by the arm of His strength: “Surely I will no longer give your grain As food for your enemies; And the sons of the foreigner shall not drink your new wine, For which you have labored. 9 But those who have gathered it shall eat it, And praise the Lord; Those who have brought it together shall drink it in My holy courts.


There was a news article that I read. It was about Rockefeller and he entered a hotel one day. When he entered the hotel, he asked for the cheapest hotel room but the owner asked why Rockefeller, who was one of the richest men on earth, was asking for the cheapest room. The owner also included that his son is using the best room in the hotel. Rockefeller, who heard this, said that he was aware and my son is the son of the richest man so of course, he should use the best room possible. But Rockefeller said that since he had a poor father, the cheapest room is enough for him. When I heard his reply, I thought about Jesus Christ. In order to save us, Jesus Christ died on the cross. He gave us life and all of the blessings. But we didn’t do anything but just believe but we are able to receive the greatest blessings. Jesus Christ died for us but all we are doing is enjoying the life that God has given to us. What is important is that our Lord Jesus Christ wants us to continue to enjoy this life that He has given to us. God’s will is salvation. Today’s Biblical scripture is important. 


1. The Reason the Lord Raises the Watchmen

1) The identity of the watchmen

Verse 6 - God is the one who decides who is a watchman. A watchman is someone who stays watch and warns people when there is danger. God raised up watchmen to signal danger. Then, what is the content of a watchman? 

Ezekiel 3:17 Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore hear a word from My mouth, and give them warning from Me.” - The reason why God raised a watchman to listen to the words of God and wake other people up to hear God’s words. A watchman will hear the word and covenant of God, and wake people up to hear. A watchman is raised to protect their people. 

Ezekiel 33:7 So you, son of man: I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore you shall hear a word from My mouth and warn them for Me.” - The Israelites disobeyed God’s word and worshiped idols. The Israelites who were sinning, God warned them that if they don’t repent then God’s judgment will come upon them. If you look in the Old Testament, God never stopped trying to warn the Israelites but continued to proclaim His word to them. God never lost hold of the Israelites. God continued to give them His covenant and tried to show them their wrongdoings through His watchman. God used Moses, Joshua, Samuel, Isaiah, and numerous watchmen to relay God’s word. They continued to relay God’s covenant and proclaimed God’s warnings. 

Verse 6 - On the walls means the walls of Jerusalem. They were protecting the Israelites within Jerusalem. The watchmen continued to give the Israelites the word of God. 

Acts 7:38 “This is he who was in the congregation in the wilderness with the Angel who spoke to him on Mount Sinai, and with our fathers, the one who received the living oracles to give to us.” - There was something else here. Moses took the Israelites out to Mt. Sinai and God called the people as the church. This means that through our church right now, God is relaying His word. God is not using watchmen now but God is using pastors and elders now to relay God’s word. Through this, God is allowing for healing to take place and for us to have a new direction within our church. 

Verse 7 - Through worship, God will allow us to remember. This is our mission as watchmen. We need to continue to give worship to God. During Jesus’ last days on earth, all of the Israelites saw Jesus Christ, they were yelling out and saying, “Hosanna!” The Pharisees were frustrated because they saw the Israelites worshiping Jesus as God. They did not believe Jesus as God. 

Luke 19:40 But He answered and said to them, ‘I tell you that if these should keep silent, the stones would immediately cry out.’ ” - Jesus was trying to remind people that the True King had returned. This praise was proclaiming the True King of all kings through worship. We need to take God’s word during worship, this is Rhema. We need to hold onto the word of God and pray with it. This is the message that mentions the Lord. Through worship, we can remember God’s promises and God is able to fulfill His promises to us. How do we receive answers? When we receive the word of God and pray with it. 


2) Inner healing of the Church

Ezekiel 36:36-37 “Then the nations which are left all around you shall know that I, the Lord, have rebuilt the ruined places and planted what was desolate. I, the Lord, have spoken it, and I will do it. 37 ‘Thus says the Lord God: ‘I will also let the house of Israel inquire of Me to do this for them: I will increase their men like a flock.’ ” - This means that God promised that this will be fulfilled but when we hold onto God’s word and pray with it, then we will receive answers. When Jesus Christ died on the cross, He said it was finished. When you accept Jesus Christ, shouldn’t all things be finished? But we need to continue to hold onto God’s word and pray. Prayer is so important. 

Exodus 17:9, 11-12 “And Moses said to Joshua, “Choose us some men and go out, fight with Amalek. Tomorrow I will stand on the top of the hill with the rod of God in my hand. 11 And so it was, when Moses held up his hand, that Israel prevailed; and when he let down his hand, Amalek prevailed. 12 But Moses’ hands became heavy; so they took a stone and put it under him, and he sat on it. And Aaron and Hur supported his hands, one on one side, and the other on the other side; and his hands were steady until the going down of the sun.” - Amalek attacked the Israelites but God promised the Israelites that they will conquer Canaan. If they held onto God’s covenant then even if the Amalekites attacked the Israelites, it shouldn’t matter. After this promise was given, Moses said that he will pray with God’s promise. This means that we pray to remember God’s covenant. Give God no rest. Pray until God fulfills His covenant and promise. 

Exodus 17:11-12 - When we pray, then we will win. But if we don’t pray, then we will lose. This is the mystery of prayer. What helps us remember God is when we hold onto God’s word and pray. Then, God will help us remember His promises to us. 

Exodus 17:12 - Aaron and Hurr held up Moses’ hands so that Moses could continue to pray to God. Since Moses continued to pray to God, God allowed victory against the Amalekites. This means that no matter what problems come to us, if we pray together as a church then answers will absolutely come. Any personal problem or an interpersonal problem, if we come together then God will work undoubtedly. Be victorious. If we pray, then God will show us great works. This is not our power but God’s power will be revealed. That is why praying for 24 hours is so important. 


2. The Blessing of the Church

1) The power of 24-hour prayer

Verse 7 - This is God’s command for the church and church officers. We should continue to pray until we give God no rest and make Jerusalem a praise on earth. This means that we should pray until Jesus’ second coming. This means that if we pray, then God will show His power and give us answers. Every time we pray, then God’s power will come upon us. We need to believe in the power of the name of Jesus Christ. Who is God? God is the Creator God. He is the Almighty God. Abraham was able to bear a child at 100 years through God’s power. Moses was able to split the Red Sea with the power of God. This is the power of God. King Hezekiah was able to defeat 185,000 soldiers with the power of God. Peter was able to walk on water with the power of God. Lazarus died but rose back to life through the power of God. This is the power that we can see. 

John 5:17 “But Jesus answered them, ‘My Father has been working until now, and I have been working.’ ” - The Creator God used Moses to split the Red Sea. Just like how God performed this miracle, this God is working through us right now. When we pray and hold onto God’s word, then God’s power that is capable of transcending time and space will come upon us. Do you have a problem? Enter deeply into 24 hours prayer then God’s great power will be revealed in your life. Truly believe in God and God’s power. Then, no problem will be a problem. If you just believe then God’s power will be revealed in your life. 


2) The reward of the Church

Verse 8 - As a watchman of God, if you pray, then God will absolutely answer you. What you sow and labor, you will absolutely bear fruits. This is God’s absolute promise for us. This means that God is guaranteeing that this will happen. Pray for your church members. None of your labor will go vain. 

Matthew 10:42 “And whoever gives one of these little ones only a cup of cold water in the name of a disciple, assuredly, I say to you, he shall by no means lose his reward. ” - Even if we give a little bit and just a little bit of affection to others, then God will reward you. When you give just a little bit of affection and pray for others, then God will remember what you have done. Then, God will bless you and bless the people you pray for. Truly receive answers. 

Verse 9 - Those who gather will receive answers. When we receive answers, we must give praise and thanksgiving to God. You shouldn’t become arrogant when you receive answers. You need to acknowledge that you are weak and God was the one who gave you answers. All of the labor of our watchmen, we will receive blessings of celebration in the church. Inside of faith, receive faith together as a church. Just like how Potiphar saw God was with Joseph, the same blessing will come upon us. Not only concentration people but when we pray for others, then we will receive tremendous blessings. 


3. Heirs

1) The imprint of the watchmen

Galatians 3:27 “For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise. ” - The watchmen will wear the clothes of Christ. When we imprint bartizan, journey, and guidepost then we will receive great blessings. 


2) The root of the watchmen

Galatians 3:28 - Our watchmen our mission is to become one in Christ. In order to become one in Christ, we must become rooted in Christ. 


3) The nature of the watchmen

Galatians 3:29 - As a watchman we must possess the nature of an evangelist. Receive answers. 



1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” - This is God’s will for us. Pray for 24 hours to always rejoice, pray continuously, and always give thanksgiving to God. 

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