Resolve for the name of the Lord Jesus (Acts 21:7-14)
Rev. Wan-Sik Kim
“7 And when we had finished our voyage from Tyre, we came to Ptolemais, greeted the brethren, and stayed with them one day. 8 On the next day we who were Paul’s companions departed and came to Caesarea, and entered the house of Philip the evangelist, who was one of the seven, and stayed with him. 9 Now this man had four virgin daughters who prophesied. 10 And as we stayed many days, a certain prophet named Agabus came down from Judea. 11 When he had come to us, he took Paul’s belt, bound his own hands and feet, and said, 'Thus says the Holy Spirit, ‘So shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind the man who owns this belt, and deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles.’ ' 12 Now when we heard these things, both we and those from that place pleaded with him not to go up to Jerusalem. 13 Then Paul answered, 'What do you mean by weeping and breaking my heart? For I am ready not only to be bound, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.' 14 So when he would not be persuaded, we ceased, saying, 'The will of the Lord be done.' ”
As the pianist was playing, it truly moved my heart. I gave thanks to God that we are able to give worship. There are people who come to worship but can’t give praise. The fact that we are able to give praise to God, it truly is a great blessing. God is living. The living God is my God. If we are able to enjoy this, if any problem comes to us, there is no need for us to worry or fear. No matter what situation comes to us, there is no need for us to worry. We all know what happened to Immanuel Presbyterian Church of Dallas (IPCD). There was a historical event in South Korea and many centuries ago, Japan bought hundreds of ships to attack Korea. Back then, Korea was known as Joseon and we only had 12 ships to fight against Japan. So how can 12 ships overcome the hundreds of ships of Japan. What made it worse was that the Japanese ships had canons but the Korean ships only had arrows. There was one admiral named Yi Sun-Shin and he said something amazing. Yi said, “If you are determined to die, you will live.” If we try to live, then we will die. We need to live as if we are determined to die. As we go out to the world, this is the attitude that we need to have.
1. Paul Stakes His Life And Goes to Jerusalem
(1) The end of the third missionary trip
Wherever Apostle Paul went, he went with this mindset. He was determined to die. He was staking his life for world evangelism. He knew that he would be arrested if he went to Jerusalem but he was okay with that. He was okay with death. From now on, this life that we have left and the age that we are living in, is so important. The whole world is controlled by darkness. People are taking drugs as if they are drinking a beverage. In Denmark, they tell people to do as many drugs as they want. They don’t even arrest people who do drugs. Even in Gangnam, Korea drugs are taking over. The 3 organizations are taking over the world. But the churches, who believe in God, don't know what is going on. They don’t even know what the gospel is. But our church members of Dallas Immanuel, you know what the gospel is. If it is without Jesus Christ, then we cannot live. We know this. Then, what will happen in the future? We need to confirm the resolution that Paul had. This is an urgent situation. If we live one more day, what are we going to live for?
What will you teach your children? Paul lived for only one thing, for only Christ. For only Christ, he staked his life. For the sake of the name of Jesus Christ. Just hold onto today’s sermon’s title. Let’s read the title together. One more time. You need to resolve to have faith. There were people who were standing before the Jordan River and were told to enter into the Jordan River with the ark of the covenant. The moment they stepped into the Jordan River, the waters stopped and kept accumulating. Faith only works when you resolve to have it. That is why faith and resolution go together. That is why I am emphasizing and the Bible emphasizes faith and how to resolve within faith. If you resolve in faith, then you will change. You can’t let go unless you have resolution in faith. The moment you have resolution in faith, then you will begin to change. You will change. The moment you change, then you will be able to discard the things in your life. If you keep holding onto things, then you will be in trouble. If you are able to let go, then you have true enjoyment. Then, you can see what God’s plans are. You just held onto God’s absolute plans but greater things will arise. If we have the accurate covenant and gospel, there is no greater blessing than this. Paul realized this mystery and went forth so that is why he didn’t fear death.
(2) Jerusalem in Paul's journey
He finished the 3rd mission trip and was on his way to Jerusalem. He was heading towards Jerusalem knowing that he will be arrested and will face death. He was on the ship and was on his way to Tyre. He took another ship from Tyre to Ptolemais to Caesarea. Jerusalem was the final destination of his third mission trip. But Jerusalem was not his final destination. Paul wanted to go to Rome.
Acts 21:4 “And finding disciples, we stayed there seven days. They told Paul through the Spirit not to go up to Jerusalem.” - His disciples urged Paul not to go to Jerusalem. They clearly told him not to go to Jerusalem. They kept telling him. Because they knew that people were trying to kill Paul so they urged him not to go. He was on his way to Jerusalem, but the disciples told him not to go to Jerusalem in the Spirit.
The prophecy of the Holy Spirit and Interpretation of Paul's prophecy regarding the Holy Spirit - Then, does this mean that the Holy Spirit was telling him not to go to Jerusalem? You have to interpret this well. I don’t really look at commentaries very well. Does this mean that the Holy Spirit should go or not to go to Jerusalem? Two people are telling Paul not to go. For the sake of Paul’s safety, they were telling him not to go. But Paul wasn’t concerned about his safety. There was God’s absolute plan. This became his will. Paul who discovered God’s will, he staked his life. This was not a problem for him. He knew that he would not die and would not perish. He already knew.
Verse 13 - Amen. Amen. Not only will he be arrested but will die. He was ready. He was ready within the name of the Lord Jesus. We believe, right? We believe in the Lord Jesus. Then, from this point on, then we need to live for the sake of the Lord Jesus Christ. Why should we study? For the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Why should we make money as lay leaders? For the sake of the name Lord Jesus Christ. Why do we need to raise children? For the sake of the name Lord Jesus Christ. Why do we need to the church? For the sake of the Lord Jesus Christ. Why do we need the RU? For the sake of the Lord Jesus Christ. Besides Christ, there is nothing else. This is why we live. Paul cannot claim sovereignty over his own life because Jesus is the master over his life. You have to entrust your own sovereignty to the Lord so that God can take care of you. You say that you believe in Jesus but He is not your true master. That is why we need your own strength and skills. Paul who knew this mystery, resolved to die for the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. If he has this heart, why would God not work? How do you not know God’s will?
2. God's Absolute Plan For Rome
(1) Let's discover the grace of new life
Verse 14 - Even though the prophet told him not to go to Jerusalem, he said that has nothing to do with him. He went to Jerusalem and saw something. He knew that he had to go to Jerusalem so that he could go to Rome. He knew that Jerusalem was not the final destination. He knew that he needed to go share the gospel in Rome. God told Paul in Acts 23:11 “But the following night the Lord stood by him and said, 'Be of good cheer, Paul; for as you have testified for Me in Jerusalem, so you must also bear witness at Rome.' ” that he needed to go to Rome. Within Paul’s heart, there was Rome. What is in your heart? There needs to be 237 nations and 5,000 tribes. Within the 237 nations, one nation needs to be your own. At least one of the 5,000 tribes needs to be yours. If you have this heart, then God will work. Within Paul’s heart, there was Rome. This was because all roads lead to Rome. Within this church, you need to have Rome burning inside of your heart. If you have the gospel and have faith to believe in Jesus, then 237 nations need to be burning in your heart. After Jesus Christ, 237 nations and 5,000 tribes need to be priority. We don’t know this meaning so we think that 237 and 5,000 is a phone number. This is something that God considers so precious. If we have this heart, then will God not take responsibility over your life. When I pray for RU, I pray for IPCD as well. I know that many people have left this church but you are not average people. One of you is worth 100 people and 1,000 people because so many people don’t believe in Jesus. They can’t discern between God and the Holy Spirit. Ask our young remnants to explain the Triune God. They already know from a young age. There are people who have been Christians for so long but still don’t know who the Triune God is. The moment we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, we already know the Triune God works inside of us. Then, this means the Holy Spirit will work. The work of transcending time and space takes place when we hold onto God’s word. Even if the world gets destroyed and is full of darkness, God will continue to guide and protect us with His light. For Paul who was on his way to Rome, he didn’t care about any persecution or threats of death. We don’t know what will happen to IPCD in 10 to 20 years. The world is out of their minds. Even doctors and psychologists cannot provide answers to the world. But we can give accurate answers. Remember this message very carefully. Paul went to Paul holding onto God’s absolute plan. He resolved within faith. Is life precious or not? What is more important than life? Is money more precious? Is love more precious? Roman and Juliet killed themselves because of love. There is something more precious than life.
Paul's new frame (Romans 1:1-4 “Paul, a bondservant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated to the gospel of God 2 which He promised before through His prophets in the Holy Scriptures, 3 concerning His Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who was born of the seed of David according to the flesh, 4 and declared to be the Son of God with power according to the Spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead.” , Ephesians 4:22-24 “That you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, 23 and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, 24 and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness.”) - Acts 20:24 “But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.” - What is more precious than life? It is your mission. You are determined to live for a mission, then why would God not take responsibility for your life? You want to build the church for a mission then why would God not take responsibility over your life. Your mission is so precious. Can you handle this mission by yourself? There is only one way to handle your mission. We need to receive grace first before we handle our mission. We need to be within God’s grace to be victorious.
Paul's old frame - When Paul used to be Saul, he was bound by his old frame. He was full of legalism and Jewish customs. But in Damascus, he heard the voice of God and his eyes opened. His eyes shed off his old frame. He realized that Jesus that he persecuted was the Messiah. Your mission, don’t try to handle it but every single day, try to discover God’s grace daily. If you discover God’s grace, then you can see your path. If you discover God’s grace, then you know what to do. What is more important than grace? If you lose hold of God’s grace, then you lose hold of everything. Without Jesus Christ, we cannot gain new life. With Jesus Christ, we have gained new power. This gives us great thanksgiving and joy. The moment I open my eyes, I confess, “Amen. Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God. The Lord Jesus Christ.” I just made this confession but I feel like all of the spiritual cells in my body are all being revived. I become so excited with this confession alone. It doesn’t matter if you are a pastor, you need to receive God’s grace first.
The grace of new life that Paul received is your clothing of grace - You need to receive God’s grace first so that you can live a new life. You can experience God’s power. When you enjoy this and experience this power, what kind of work will arise? Then, change will take place. You are able to change so you are able to discard your old self. You can enjoy new things. You are able to see God’s absolute plans. The fact that you are being used as an elder, it is a great blessing. If God has called you a remnant and lay leader, it is a great blessing. What happy life it is to live within God’s grace. Because of God’s grace, we are able to discover God’s absolute plans. That is why Paul was able to realize that God will take complete responsibility wherever he goes. Even though people were urging him not to go to Jerusalem and fearing for him for his life, Paul knew that it was all okay. Did Paul die? He did die eventually but he died for the gospel. If you enjoy this 24 hours a day, you will come to a resolution without people telling you to do it. For the sake of the name of Jesus Christ, live that life. I received so much grace as I was meditating on God’s word. For the gospel, it doesn’t matter what situations come to me.
(2) Life resolution for the name of the Lord Jesus
Satan's stronghold that continues to be built -
Philippians 1:12-14 “But I want you to know, brethren, that the things which happened to me have actually turned out for the furtherance of the gospel, 13 so that it has become evident to the whole palace guard, and to all the rest, that my chains are in Christ; 14 and most of the brethren in the Lord, having become confident by my chains, are much more bold to speak the word without fear.” - I established the bartizan by holding onto this verse. I visited a church once and this small child was playing the drums. The pastor came forth and delivered a sermon. The title of that sermon was, “The deep sins within us.” I wondered what kind of deep sins he was referring to. The pastor kept talking about deep sins and kept yelling this out. He asked the congregation why they steal and lie? I thought that he would talk about Genesis 3 later but he didn’t mention that at all. He didn’t mention the fundamental sins at all. The whole congregation started slowly falling asleep during the sermon. But after the sermon was over, the whole congregation started waking up. After the sermon was over, during fellowship time, they were having a good time. After I listened to this sermon, I thought that this was very unfortunate. You guys are all blessed people. Every once in a while, I listened to this church’s sermon. You need to remember how important the pulpit message is. It is up to the elders and the church members to keep the pulpit message. While you are used for the sake of world evangelism? What did Paul do? We can’t let this life pass by. We have to worship by staking our lives. You need to give the devotion to stake your life. This church is supporting Mexico Missions, we need to stake our lives for this. We need to stake our lives for the gospel. We need to watch what blessings God will give to this church. Just wait. Rev. Kwang-Su Ryu said that this church will be the birthing place that will save 237 nations and 5,000 tribes.
Corinthians 9:14-16 “And by their prayer for you, who long for you because of the exceeding grace of God in you. 15 Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!”
The church movement that is healthy and steadfast - It is up to the church members to have a church to be a healthy place. I am sure that Paul was determined to share the gospel, we need to stake our lives to save 237 nations and 5,000 tribes. Whatever we do, we need to do it for the name of Jesus Christ. Don’t tell your children to just study but to have them study with the name of Jesus Christ. Even when we eat, do it in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. For the sake of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The remnant who has found the answer only in Christ - Paul was not just another apostle. He was a remaining remnant who was determined in only Christ. If you come to the conclusion you can give other people this conclusion. I believe that you have to come to the conclusions of only Christ. Only Christ. Through the pulpit message, God will bless you within the fields.
The pilgrim that transcends the age with only the Word - Only through the word, we can conquer the age. The problems in front of us can be transcended. The pilgrims’ way will be taken care of by God. We need to take the road of a pilgrim with the word of God. No matter how busy you are in the morning, build a bartizan within the world. If you don’t build the bartizan first, then don’t do anything else. If we don’t build the bartizan of the word, then we can’t do anything. Nothing will go well. If you do this, then see what happens. God will bless the way of the pilgrims who do this. If you start the day with the bartizan of the word, then God will bless your path. At night, after you finish your day, you will see God’s great answers and blessings. You can see that God allowed you to conquer with the power of the Holy Spirit. This is the true conquest. You are grateful that something has conquered you. You can see that God conquered all those things and not by your own power, strength, and character. Before any situations or events, may we live a life where we can resolve within the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.