We take hold of the covenant of absolute disciples who will save the DFW region, the US, and the 237 nations of the world.
Prayer Services
At 5 p.m. on Wednesdays and Fridays, we gather to receive God's Word, discuss the Sunday sermon and the answers that God has given us from the message, and the evidences He has granted us throughout the week.
Lay Leaders Worship
At 1:30 on Sundays, the lay leaders of the church gather to delve deeper into the gospel messages to apply in the field for the six days of the week.
Sunday school
Deacon Amy leads Sunday School for the next generation of disciples who will further carry the gospel to the ends of the earth.
College & Young Adults
At 1:30 p.m. on Sunday, the college and young adults gather to worship the Lord together. Our youth group stay active in ministry throughout the week.
Our choir and instrument ensemble praise the Lord every Sunday during the main service at 11 a.m.
Our youth also partake in praise during a multi-church event called the Remnant Day, which happens once a month.
Community service
Our church has a history of working with various charities and public organizations throughout our 26-year history. Christmas caroling has been a multi-church tradition for the past five years.
Recently, God has opened the doors for us to work with volunteers who serve community of refugees in the DFW Metroplex.