1. The Triune God and My Identity
1) Even now, God the Father accurately fulfills the Word.
2) God the Son solved the problem of sin, and has completely bound all forces of darkness and curses.
3) God the Holy Spirit, who is also our Counselor, fulfills the works of salvation through the Word. He has made me His holy Temple and leads me.
4) I, who believe in these things, am a child of God.
5) God has called me as a church and the gates of hell cannot overcome me. He called me as an evangelist to save the 237 nations, and has given me the keys to the kingdom of heaven so that I may enjoy the blessings of the throne no matter what I am facing.
2. 10 Mysteries
1) I am a child of God who can survive wherever I am because God is with me.
2) I am a blessed person who does not fall down, due to my present reality or the facts before me, but instead, enjoys the spiritual truth that is hidden behind them.
3) I am not easily discouraged or overly excited, for I have assurance that God has prepared answers on the opposite side of my present circumstances.
4) I am the synergy that saves all people and all fields, no matter where I am or what I do.
5) Crises are opportunities to experience God’s power and to confirm my faith.
6) I do not need to compete with others, for God is with me and I am a person of the Covenant.
7) I am sufficient with only the gospel because of the sure answers of uniqueness and re-creation.
8) I am the spiritual summit who communicated daily with the Throne of Heaven.
9) Whether I am sent off to a desert place or thrown away, I will be alright because I am a child of the Almighty God who can create anything from nothing.
10) My final life’s desire would be for God’s desires to be my absolute goal.
3. 10 Foundations of Faith
1) I thank God, who is absolutely Sovereign, for giving me what is only the best.
2) I thank God for I know that His absolute method is Jesus Christ, “For there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.”
3) I thank God for His protection and grace, the authority and the power of the Holy Spirit, who continues to teach me, dwell within me, guide me, and work within me.
4) I thank God who heals me with His power, which is like a sharp double-edged sword that pierces and cuts through me, who completes me as a person of God, and equips me with the strength to do good through His Word.
5) I thank God that I am His holy temple and that He has led me to a church that models after heaven.
6) I thank God for wherever I go, that very place is a mission field where His absolute plans for the Life movement is fulfilled.
7) I thank God for I am His child and He is the Master of my life, death, blessings, and curses, and the Ruler over all creation.
8) I thank the God of Providence, and that in this one life that I live, I can prepare a life masterpiece to leave behind for posterity.
9) I thank God for exempting me from judgment and leading me to eternal life instead of eternal condemnation.
10) I thank God that I am an evangelist who enjoys Jesus’ Life, Jesus’ Power, and Jesus’ Authority as I look towards my prize in heaven.
4. 9 streams of communication with God
1. As I stand before God rather than before people, grant me the strength and wisdom to save everyone around me, so that I may forever stand before posterity as a witness.
2. Open my eyes to see the field correctly and consider the width, height, and depth of all the problems before me, as I discover God’s plan within them.
3. Open my eyes to see all of my past scars as a springboard, my present as an opportunity, and my future as the answer to save 237 nations. Prevent me from losing hold of the time schedule of today and this moment.
5. 5 Keys of Assurance
1) I have the assurance that I am a saved child of God through Jesus Christ despite what field or problem I am in.
2) I have assurance that God guides me with His best intentions and that He renews and restores me through the problems that I face.
3) I have assurance that God will answer my prayers with what is best and good for me.
4) I have assurance that I have been forever liberated and forgiven through the name of Jesus Christ.
5) I have assurance that I will prevail against myself, the world, and Satan by the authority of Christ.
6. 62 Life Points
1) I thank God for the 62 blessings given to me inside of Christ. I will take it as my lifelong covenant to relay to posterity and to enjoy the blessings of world evangelization.
2) Establish me as a witness, who enjoys the 21 essences of life inside of Christ. May I experience the Christ on Mount Calvary, Mount of Olives, and Mark’s upper room, experience God’s kingdom, and only the Holy Spirit. As I discover my heavenly mandate, calling, and mission, may I enjoy the blessings that are rightful, necessary, and absolute. Inside of Christ today, help me to enjoy the blessings of one heart, whole heart, and continuation. Within all aspects of life, may I enjoy the blessings of Only, Uniqueness, and Re-creation, and be deeply imprinted, rooted, and transformed in nature within the covenant of Acts 1:1, 3, and 8, awaiting the time schedule of 24, 25, and eternity.
3) I thank God for allowing me to realize the 5 streams of prayer inside of Christ. May I enjoy sincere gratitude for salvation as I follow the stream of God’s Word, and look towards the future, knowing and enjoying the blessing of healing through true concentration.
4) I thank God for revealing to me the 7 paths of the Summit that are within Christ. May I be equipped with spirituality and intellect through the Gospel and the Word, and may my God-given talents be discovered as I look up to the great individuals in the Bible. Lord, instill in me my true identity of Acts 1:1, 3, and 8, and heal all the spiritual ignorance and incorrect identities within me.
5) May I be equipped to be on the highest level regardless of what I do, as I prepare in-depth content and have a bird’s-eye-view of the world so that I may understand and be considerate of the people that are above, below, and beside me. Allow me to see the time schedules of the past, present, and the future.
6) Establish me as a witness of the 20 biblical evangelism strategies. May the Darakbang (upper room) evangelism that arose in Mark’s upper room, the team ministry evangelism that took place at the Church in Antioch, the mission homes that were established within the homes of the disciples, the specialized churches that were established in the workplaces of the disciples, and the regional churches movement that arose through the Church of Ephesus become my lifelong evangelism schedule. I pray to be established as a minister who lives a life of camp through the First-level Camp Training, Team Ministry Camp Training, 70 Workers’ Camp Training, Specialized Team Camp Training, and finally, through the Evangelism Camp Training.
Lord, help me to discover and enjoy my personal mission and secret contract that You have given to me. Raise leaders with an upright heart through the RTS and RU, and raise up the ministry for the elites, the healing ministry, cultural missions, business missions, and the Remnant movements in all 237 nations.
7. Platform of the Throne of Heaven
In conclusion, may my life be centered on the platform of the blessings of the Throne of Heaven, which is the church and worship, as I hold firmly to the entire stream of God’s Word through the weekly pulpit and daily messages given to me.
SOURCE: Immanuel Changwon Church (Korea)
The "7 Grand Journeys Prayer" focuses on spiritual guidance and personal growth, often emphasizing themes of peace, strength, and clarity during life's journeys. It's commonly used in various spiritual practices to foster a sense of purpose and connection. For more detailed insights and interpretations, you can explore relevant spiritual resources or websites.
The 7 Grand Journeys Prayer is a spiritual practice that encourages individuals to embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth through prayer and reflection. Each "journey" represents a different aspect of life, such as love, wisdom, healing, and purpose, guiding practitioners to seek deeper understanding and connection with themselves and the world around them. By engaging with this prayer, individuals aim to cultivate mindfulness, gratitude, and a sense of fulfillment in their lives. website: https://mclodges.com/