강단 기도제목
설교제목: 하나님의 전도방법(히13:24-25)
1. 우리에게 지금 주어진 현장에 남은자, 남을 자, 남길 자를 찾으며 양육할 수 있는 축복을 허락하소서.
2. 하나님께서 준비하신 남을 자 70일꾼을 통해서 문화를 살리며 재앙을 막는 역사가 일어나게 하소서.
3. Nobody, no way, no opportunity, no place, no answer의 응답을 우리에게 주어진 현장에서 70일꾼을 양육하게 하소서.
Pulpit prayer topics
Sermon Title: God's Method of Evangelism (Hebrews 13:24-25)
1. Grant us the blessing of finding and nurturing those who remain, those who will remain, and those who will leave behind in the field that You have given us at this moment.
2. May Your works take place to save the culture and prevent disasters through the 70 workers that You have prepared for us.
3. Help us to raise 70 workers in our given field with the answers of having nobody to rely on, when there is no other way, when there seems to be no other opportunity, when there is nowhere else to go, and when there is no answer.